Alternative rock and roll is my eternal muse.

I have a love affair with all things darkly glamorous and slightly dangerous, and I direct that passion into everything I make.

Weapon of Choice by Laura Shrewsbury chooses to focus on hand-made accessories and jewelry with symbolic or spiritual meaning, rather than the empty pursuit of the latest trends. It’s my hope that your purchase of wearable art helps you express your individuality and personal aesthetic.

Wishing you health, beauty, and happiness,

Laura Shrewsbury


Weapon of Choice by Laura Shrewsbury Original Logo Design created by

Casey Moore of The Furious Design.

Website created by

Stephanie Garrett Moore

Digital Editing and Design by

The Furious Design

Photography by

Titus Childers Photography

Aries Photography New Orleans

Brian Spenser Photography

Laura Shrewsbury


Sonya Byrd, Kris Lea, Feliz Martinez, @XamieBer, @joevanexel, Logan Jackson, Lovisa Nawal, Ben Legum, Gnatalie Crawford, Tharrison Boykin, Kendriea Edwards, Tomahawk Tassels, DJ Trey Markwith,

Felicity Lartigue, Hanna Weheb, Alison Weintraub, Cheyenne Buchanan, and Evelyn Caruso.

Guest appearances by

Dani Divine


Threnody in Velvet.